While it is critical to identify Locally Led natural resource issues of concern for the purposes of setting measurable goals and objectives for the coming years, the District also feels it is a priority to emphasize education as an integral part of our mission. By promoting awareness of good stewardship practices to both landowners and land users alike, an investment in the sustainable value of our region's natural resources is being made. Those who educate themselves about these natural resource issues and the ways in which to resolve them, will be the ones making informed decisions in the years to come. The District has a unique opportunity to educate on a variety of levels about an equally various number of issues, primarily due to our wide cooperator base and our partnerships with other agencies and organizations. By visiting schools from elementary through college age, we have the ability to educate people before they are in the active role of making critical resource decisions. We are also able to spread the word about new concerns and ideas to those already working on or with the land through workshops, demonstrations, news releases, newsletters, and other special events. "Through a multi-level approach, the District will encourage the development of a stewardship ethic among Valley residents that remains viable for years to come."
If special accommodations are required, please contact the district office at 834-3311, ext 3.
During the Summer of 2017 the St. John Valley SWCD, and the Fort Kent Recreation Department held a six week long Conservation Summer Camp.
The St. John Valley Soil & Water Conservation District & the NRCS held an Erosion Workshop for Girl Scout Troop 83 on July 21, 2017. The workshop consisted of a field visit to a local river, and an indoors project build workshop.
The St. John Valley Soil & Water Conservation District held a Free High Tunnel Care Workshop on Saturday April 15th, 2017 at the University of Maine at Fort Kent.
The Saint John Valley Soil & Water Conservation District held a Free Whole Orchard Care Tree Pruning Workshop on Saturday April 16th 2016, at Labbe Tree Farm in Frenchville Maine.
Instructor Master Orchardist Paul Benoit explaining Orchard Care. Paul explaining how to choose the best location for an Orchard. Paul in the process of pruning an apple tree to completion.
2010 Workshops
May 12th Forestry Skidder Bridge Workshop
Landowners, loggers and foresters attended a day long workshop centered on how to build and install a portable skidder bridge using Best Management Practices to ensure water quality is protected. In the morning, as part of the workshop a 16' hemlock portable skidder bridge was constructed. The afternoon was spent looking at potential installation sites. Following the workshop the bridge panels were made available to rent from the St. John Valley Soil and Water Conservation District. For more information on the possibility of renting the bridge contact the District at 834-3311, Extension 3.
July 28th Trail Building and Maintenance Workshop
The St. John Valley Soil and Water Conservation District hosted a Trail Building and Maintenance workshop on July 28, 2009 at the Tenth Mountain Ski Center in Fort Kent. Sixteen people showed up to learn the ins-and-outs of trail maintenance techniques, trail standards, and what problems to expect on the trail and how to solve them. The workshop was presented by Forester’s Tom Whitworth and Dave Rochester of the Maine Forest Service.
July 7th Introduction to Invasive Aquatic Plants Workshop
Seventeen people were in attendance at the Invasive Aquatic Plant Patrol workshop (IPP) a program of the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program. Pictured are the participants learning how to recognize the invasive aquatic (water) plants on Maine's 'eleven most unwanted' list, and to distinguish these invaders from their native Maine look alikes. The IPP program promotes prevention, early detection and rapid response at the local level by providing training, educational materials, resources and technical support to groups and individuals across the State of Maine. The workshop was instructed by Roberta Hill of the Maine Center for Invasive Aquatic Plants.
The District works on programs in schools and with groups throughout the St. John Valley. Much of school-based work is funded through grants, although the District also provides education to those not covered by a specific project.
EnviroScape Model: The EnviroScape model is a portable, table-top model that provides unique, interactive learning experiences. EnviroScape makes the connection between what we do on earth and environmental quality. People of all ages use and enjoy learning with EnviroScape. EnviroScape is in every state in the U.S. and more than a dozen other countries. The District is available to come into your classroom and demonstrate pollution — and its prevention through the EnviroScape model creating a real sense of understanding through hands-on demonstrations. Students learn valuable lessons about watersheds, nonpoint source, stormwater pollution and prevention. Contact the District to schedule a lesson today!